If you’re as into the paranormal as I am, then I’m sure you’ve heard of cryptids such as the infamous Big Foot, or the skunk ape, or the moth man, or the hat man, or the black-eyed kids, or the… Well, you know. Southern Louisiana has it’s very own little cryptid, much like most other states in the US. Located in the bayous of Southeastern Louisiana, is a cryptid that dates as far back as the 16th century. The Rougarou is a tall, half man, half wolf creature (The Cajun Warewolf) who is said to roam the swamp lands.

Origins of the Rougarou
The name Rougarou (Loup-Garou) is a French term meaning warewolf. In France during the 16th century, they used to blame various crimes that were committed throughout the villages on the Loup-Garou. Then, they would round up village folks that they assumed were Loup-Garous, and hold public trials for them.
After the Cajun people migrated to Nova Scotia, and then were eventually hauled into the Southern swamp lands where they mostly reside today, the Rougarou was believed to have followed them. Some folks down the bayou claimed to have witness the creature on several occasions. Others blame the disappearance of their livestock on the Rougarou.
Unlike the warewolf, the Rougarou is believed to have the ability to transform into wolf form at any time, as long as it’s night time. They don’t need a full moon in order to transform. It’s also believed that the Rougarou can shapeshift into any creature that calls the bayou home; maybe an alligator, or a frog, or a pelican, or a goat etc.
It is said that anyone can be a Rougarou. It’s more like a curse than anything. If a Rougarou bites you, or cuts you and draws blood, and your blood gets on them, then the curse will be passed on to you, and you’ll become a Rougarou. Some say this curse only lasts about 100 days or so before you go back to normal.
The Rougarou “curse”, if you will, was also used as way to scare young Catholic children into following lent during lent season. The Cajun folks, especially back then, were very religious people. They often had strict rules for their children to follow, or the Rougarou was going to “get them!”
Some folks believe the Rougarou to be unaggressive, regardless of its monstrous size, and super-human strength. Apparently their only motive is to destroy property and find victims to pass the curse onto. You won’t find too many stories of people getting attacked by the creature, only that it comes for a visit, and leaves the place a mess without cleaning up. Not very well mannered if you ask me!

So, how could you protect yourself if you suspect one of these creatures to be lurking nearby? Well, it’s fairly easy actually. Just take thirteen [13] of any small item, and line them up in front of every window and doorway to your house. The Rougarou is said to have an extra finger on each hand (that’s how you can tell someone is a Rougarou… I know, it doesn’t add up for me either.) leaving the Rougarou with twelve [12] fingers. The creature can’t count to thirteen [13] on it’s hands, so the thirteen [13] items will confuse it, and force it to run off.
Follow Up
This has got to be the craziest cryptid folklore that I’ve heard of, but it’s a part of my culture, and it’s funny to see the reactions from my non-Louisiana friends when I tell the story.
If you enjoyed this as much as I did, stick around because I’ve got a slew of other paranormal/cryptid articles coming soon!